About Me
I grew up as a military brat, the daughter of an officer promoted from Lieutenant to full colonel within weeks after Pearl Harbor. I say this because his role in our family was as a benevolent but absolute monarch. I never knew him as less than a colonel, even when he was a major for a few weeks after the war. I worshipped and feared him, but could never talk with him. My mother descended from Puritans and Scottish Presbyterians, which severely limited her ability to discuss serious topics. And so, I began to write in fourth grade, discussing race, injury, death, war, punishment, God, and sex with myself in various persons. I didn’t learn much about the subjects, but I did learn how to write. Writing has supported me through school, university, and graduate school, as a mother, journalist, folklorist, newsletter editor, and fiction writer. I write mostly as Robin Hansen, or Robin Orm Hansen, but I write fiction as Robin Lynn Scott (my father’s name), when my publishers let me.